Thursday, December 13, 2007

Will the House of Student's Defy the Court?

With another possible election around the corner, the house of students grow a little restless with the fact that this business is left unresolved. Did the courts overstep their jurisdiction by recommending a reelection? Was it the job of the court to invalidate Latimore's candidacy or the election? In light of this question, students want this issue resolved so they can move on to the business of governing. How will the vacancy of the presidency be filled? The problem is that the school's constitution is silent on this issue which is why the court recommended an entirely new race. But as some student representatives argued last night, is it fair to allow new candidates into a race when the other two candidates that originally ran were more than qualified? Are the many freshman who were nominated to run for office really interested in leading? Why didn't they run before? Indeed these are philosophical questions worth pondering but their answers might not lead this government to any real solution. So the House of Students considered a few option. 1. conduct a new election or 2. have the interim president (Doriean, who was a candidate for this year and was last year's president) step down and let the Vice President hold the position of president temporarily in order to enact an executive order that would essentially ignore the court's recommendation and send ballots to the people with only Lee and Jackson's name on the ticket.


Mr. Ackerman said...

We are now heading into 2008 and still our school government is functioning without a leader? When will the student body demand representation? It seems that students are not concerned about whether or not they have a voice in how our school is run. How unfortunate.

Mr. Brasof said...

Luckily Doriean was sitting as interim president as the new administration got down to business. I think this week this issue should be resolved finally!