Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Issues to Address: A Call For Action!

Freshman have been constructing newsletter about national and school-wide issues. The research for these articles come from looking at our school from students' perspectives. All students at Constitution High School engaged in a town hall meeting on Constitution Day, September 17. Freshman used the feedback on the town hall walls to build interview questions as well as inform their writing. Newsletter publicists will be posting some of their articles on this thread. Let the conversation continue.


Anonymous said...

This comment is about the uniform policy in our school.

For years there have always been major issues that are circling throughout the world. But the one issue that caught attention in our school was the school uniform policy. I interviewed Cheyenne Honard, John Sobuhisky, Tabitha Brown, and Bridget Fidler. There answers to my questions were so diverse, so amazing and made me personally feel different about the way I thought on the issue.

Oriana Principe: Do you think that Ms. Morison needs to listen to the teenagers ideas and compare with us?
Cheyenne: “Yeah she does because it feels like she takes a lot away form us (like freedom). She really needs to view what we as teenagers are going through, and in this day and age we teenagers are going through a lot. I believe that she is to strict and to understand us more.”
Tabitha: “If you were here last year, you would understand where she is coming from. You should have seen what the girls in this school were wearing. They would have like 1,000 holes in there pants, so much to the point that you could se their under garments. Also girls would come in with shorts, so short that you could see inappropriate private parts, it was so rude and disgusting, I mean come on no one really wants to see that.”
Bridget: “Ms. Morison is making rules up as we she goes, like for example the whole no shirt over top of our collared shirts, tat is so stupid, yet we still have the collar visible. It is just really isn’t fair or right!”

Oriana Principe: What do you think about the collared shirts?
Cheyenne: “Collared shirts are something that I have to agree with because it makes us look professional, other schools may be able to wear what ever they want but they look unprofessional and tacky. Our uniform is also good because if we go on trips and stuff, they want us to represent our school by looking like adults.”
Tabitha: “I really think that it is easy to follow and I don’t really have a problem with it.”
Bridget: “I believe that our school uniforms are pretty lenient, because if you compare us with other school uniforms are strict and are don’t express the student at all. I only think that we should have more dress down days.”

Oriana Principe: Do you guys think that we are responsible to wear whatever we want?
Tabitha: “If we go on a trip and stuff, yes I think we should wear the school uniform, but we are definitely responsible and mature enough to wear what we want.

Bridget: “Yes because we are old enough but there should be restrictions to what we should wear.”
Cheyenne: “Ok this is just wrong because, alright I kind of agree with what Bridget said , like you shouldn’t have holes in your jeans, but if they are so small you can barely see them than that isn’t fair to give 5 demerits to someone. I just think that people are getting really hype about it.”

O.P: Do you think that the uniform we have now should stay the same?

John: “We should keep our dress code because it s good, accommodating, responsible, and people are following it, it shouldn’t be that we have to follow something strict.
Cheyenne: “I thin that our uniform is completely fine, like the collar shirts and the jeans. But they should let us have red, white and blue days. But maybe the rest of the days we can wear whatever we want. But we shouldn’t take advantage of it.”

O.P: How do you feel about the footwear?
Cheyenne: “When we first came to school they said that we could only wear black shoes. Like I understand the whole no flip flop policy because we could get hurt but black shoes is just stupid.”

O.P: What do you think about how we cant have t-shirts over our collared shirts while the collar part is still visible?
Tabitha: “it is fine to me because people would walk around with shirts that said offensive and sexual things on.”
Bridget: “ I personally don’t understand why we cant wear pull over hoodies and stuff like that,. That is my only concern.

imyah ; s . ™ said...

School Issue: Lunch & Lunch Bill !

Lunch Controversy
By: Imyah Sommerville

Newsletter: "Got Self-Reliance?"

There are a lot of issues concerning the lunch period at Constitution High school. For the most part, a majority of the students would prefer an outdoor lunch as opposed to an indoor lunch. From talking to tenth and ninth grade students, the overcrowding and short lunch period and also less than desirable food, there seems to make for an unhappy environment.

Currently, the eleventh graders have been the only ones mentally approved for outdoor lunch. However, outdoor lunch is based upon good behavior. The future of this happening for the tenth graders depend on how well-behaved the eleventh graders are if given the opportunity. Most likely, the ninth graders will have to wait until next year.

Mr. Brasof said...

By: Author of Article
Newsletter: Securibility

Title: Name of the Article

Paste Article as a comment

Kris said...

This article is about sex education which is our main topic

By: Kris Pearce
Newsletter: Sex Education
Title: Sex Education In Schools

Sex Education In Schools
One of the hot topic debates has, and probably always will be is whether or not sex education should be taught in schools. Currently, over 30% of Americans oppose sex education in schools. Around 40% believe that schools should offer abstinence-plus, which also teaches students about condoms and contraception.
However, nearly ¾s of principals have said there have been no meetings or debates about what to do about sex education – 50% of schools don't offer it. There are also 20% of people who don't believe in teaching students about homosexuality. There has been around 18% that have said homosexuality should be taught, but taught to be wrong and 8% that have said it should be taught to be acceptable.
40% of Americans believe that if children are taught about how to use condoms and safe-sex, then their children will go out and actually have sex. They believe it's complete encouragement. In the U.S. every year, there is about 30% of teenagers who have un-wanted pregnancies because of sex, 10% get STDS, and 10% get HIV/AIDS. Many of those people have said they weren't educated enough to know what to do.
Don't you find that completely pitiful? And to think, that can all be prevented. There are many ways to prevent un-wanted pregnancies by offering sex education in schools. If students are thinking about sex then they should at least know how to do it the safe way. Most high schools don't offer sex education in schools because they figure the kids have gotten it in middle school or grade school… however, that's not always the truth. A lot of kids don't even get it in middle school.
Most kids are taught the basics of sex; normally just intercourse and then they're told not to have sex. They aren't taught about STDs, rape/incest or anything like that because it's considered to be "too touchy."
It is said that 1 in 4 girls will be pregnant by the time she is 18, and over 40% of America's teens will get pregnant this year. Many parents also argue that if kids are taught sex education, then they'll go out and have sex.
All schools should teach sex education. The basics should be taught to 4th and 5th grade, and then it should get into deeper things once kids move on to 6th, 7th, 8th and so on. Sex education should be taught for at least one semester of every year and should offer kids advice, otherwise there are going to be many unwanted pregnancies in the world.

Ralph Yamasaki said...

By Desiree Ralph Matthew Marcus Nafis Newsletter : Gun Conrol Title: Gun Conrol Do you feel secure/safe in your school?

By Nafis Puge

If you put the way people die in a list, gun violence would be at the top of that list. On September 03 2008, a man went on a killing spree, killed 6 and wounded a lot of others. Apparently he had a history of mental illness, so I have a question. How was a man with a history of mental illness allowed to have a gun in the first place? More than likely it was an illegal fire arm; they all seem to be illegal weapons now days, but that’s all the more reason why there should be tighter gun control. It’s seems easier to find a illegal gun than to find a good paying job.
Philadelphia used to be known as “the city of brotherly love”, but now it’s known as “Killadelphia”, because of the amount of people getting killed. On September 12, 2008 there was a shooting that happened in West Philly. It just so happens that the area it was at was where my dad used to live when he was a child, worse part is that when he saw it on the news, he found out his best friend got killed because he was in the wrong place at the wrong time. Do you know who it feels to find out that your best friend got killed because some stupid people decided to go out and shoot at random people? When is this going to end? When are we going to do something about it?
The incident with Virginia Tech that happened last year, why wasn’t their any medal detectors in the school? And if there was, how come they didn’t work? But most importantly, why are people so intent on killing one another? These are questions that need an answer. These are situations that need to be taken care of. We might think that the terrorist are in Iraq, but the truth is that the terrorist are the people who use illegal guns to kill other people everyday. That why we should have taken care of this problem before it became a major issue. In the end if we help take care of gun violence I bet you a lot of problems would be solved.

Brian Rose said...


Recently I met with Dr. Davidson about the issue of building space with the influx of freshman expected to come in to Constitution High School next September.

Q. Do you have any concerns with building space because the influx of freshman expected to come in.

A. “I do, I expect that everyone will corporate and come up with creative ideas for me to consider” Dr. Davidson wants to hold classes off campus. "

Dr. Davidson has very good ideas to solve the issue of Building Space. I feel that we may not have a problem next year.

Asia said...

School Issue:Lunch Right

Newsletter:Permanent Right

By:Ruby Payette

Title:Passing a Lunch Bill for CHS Cafeteria

The quality of lunches at Constitution High School is not up to most of the students’ standards. The food is not fresh and is cooked ahead of time, and then preheated who-knows-how-long after it is cooked so it can be served at school. The cafeteria food also offers almost no alternative options for any vegetarians or anyone that may have allergies. It is said by many of the students that many kids end up not even eating anything for lunch because the food is so unbearable. Because of this problem, the students are attempting to pass a lunch bill that will allow students to have off-campus privileges during their 30-minute lunch period.
Four of the students in the 10th grade were interviewed about their opinions on the 9th grade being allowed, or not allowed to join the 10th and 11th grades for off-campus lunch privileges. The students Ashante Richards, Dawnye Alexander, Hassan Cooper, and Glorian Onwujanva were not at all hesitant to give their opinions. At first, when asked if they personally if they “thought the 9th grade should be allowed to get off-campus lunch even though they are new to the school?” Hassan Cooper instantly replied “The 9th grade should wait a year.” The reasoning behind this statement was that the 10th grade had to wait a year since they were not allowed to go out for lunch throughout their freshman year and it would not be fair if the current 9th grade did. Later though, Hassan changed his mind, remembering that it would make the school unequal if only two out of three of the grades had certain privileges that everyone should have the same right to have. Ashante also brought up the point that if all three grades went out at the same time things would be very hectic and she thinks that they should split up the lunch times.
Another question asking “Why do you think the students voted for the 9th grade to be allowed to have the off-campus privileges?” was answered by Ashante Richards, saying “If you aint got no buzz, aint nobody going to vote for you.” Meaning that if the 9th graders prove to the school that they are not responsible enough for off-campus lunch privileges, the 10th and 11th graders will change their mind and revoke their votes on the lunch bill, giving the 9th grade off-campus lunch privileges.
In the end of the interview, it was clear that under certain circumstances, the 10th and 11th graders are all for the 9th graders being allowed out for lunch. They are very understanding and sympathetic since they know how awful the school lunch food really can be.

Brian Rose said...

The Comment "Interview With Dr. Davidson" is from Brian Rose.
My newsletter is called "The Value of Corporation".

Channell Q. said...

Author:Briana Carter
Newsletter Title:The Future is at Hand
Title of Article:Constituion Lunches
Do you dare to try Constitution High School’s lunches? The taste would make you never attempt to try again. They are disgusting, horrible, disagreeable, unpleasant, and everyone’s favorite word, ‘nasty’. All of the high school students should be allowed to just go out on the streets of downtown for their lunchtime.

Unquestionably, Constitution high School lunches are extremely terrible. The lunches shouldn’t be given out to be consumed. The lunches are not even on high school standards like the portion given or what it is. The nuggets are too spicy and hard as rocks. They don’t even provide good enough drinks. Milk may be nutrition but not Constitution’s milk. It may be either spoiled or room temperature/hot, if it’s not then the student has just been dosed with luck. Don’t count on it all the time.

In addition, the lunches are horrible and shouldn’t be given out or suggested to anyone. Constitution High School may exceed in the learning status but the lunches truly fair as even being rated as good. The food maybe cold, under cooked, over cooked, overly stuffed or just not edible to sight or just taste.

Clearly, the school lunches need to be improved. A café or just students getting together to order out and get deliver for a reasonable price could truly make a difference at Constitution High School. But will the change every come about.

It just comes to the conclusion that all Constitution students need to go outside the school for their lunch period. If the school can’t provide good enough lunches then why try. The school lunches need huge improvement if they’re going to continue to be given to the students. Center City has just enough places to have lunch at, plus it’s right in the area. So many options outside of the school and we are punished with Constitution High School’s lunches

Lauren W said...
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Lauren W said...
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Lauren W said...

Lauren Wesley
School Issue: Lunch hassle
Newsletter: The pathway to sucess
Author: Kayla Mccoy

Day old food and bad education drives upperclassmen crazy. This interview is about the education and the school lunch. Education is a big part in the 2008 election. Imagine a lunch room at 11:40 am packed with kids and the food that is serving sticks. The lunch smells and taste like toxic waste. In this interview we will view the opinions of upperclassmen about these issues, their names are Justin, Georgia, Mathew, and Kameko.
Which candidate's stance on education do you feel is better?
Justin- "McCain because I don't want to go to school on the weekend."
Do you think Constitution High School is encouraging students to not drop out of high school?
Would you like to eat lunch or spend the time in the classroom?
"Eat lunch because I'm hungry"-Georgia
Do you eat the school lunch?
"No because it's nasty"-Georgia
How do you feel about the entire school having lunch at one time?
"It's stupid because there are too many little kids running around"- Mathew
Is going out for lunch solving the problem?
"Yes because there too many kids in the lunch room and not enough seats"
The upperclassmen felt the same way for almost every question but the first one because some believed in McCain and some didn't. This is just a little about how they feel but should help you see the problem.
By: Kayla McCoy

Class of 2012 said...

Issue: Abortion
My commet is about abortion.
Why should a woman have to kill a child?
Well i can answer that.. there are alot of women out there who are getting preganant, and wanting to get an abortion. If the woman gets rapped than thats a different story. If the girl is having sex and she think that she is ready, and she is young, and she really wants a child than there is somethng wrong with her because, she can barley take care of herself so what makes her think that she can take care of a child all by herself. I just think that a woman should be able to make her own choice. Not no one else. Whjat ever is right for her that let her make that right choice. !!!

Nicholas M. said...

School Issue: Lunch Bill
Newsletter: The Great Debate
By: Hadea King

Interview with 10th graders asking them how they feel with the lunch bill.

When asked "should there be better lunch since the 9th can't go out for lunch?" Nataly said "that there should be better lunch for us since we can't go out. Like when I went to a prison over the summer she said they had the same lunches they had in the prison''. It's was the same lunch meals that they slid under the doors. She also said " even Ben Franklin High school had better lunches than we do and they are a low funded school".
Kate made a suggestion and said "that we should grow our own food for like salads and other things".
When i asked "should going out for lunch be a privilege or not?" Nataly and Kate states that it should because of whether or not the kids will cut after going out and if they did that it would ruin their chances for going out for lunch When also asked "should lunch be extended" all that was interviewed said "yes because it would be enough time if everyone went out for lunch and ordered food".
I asked all "do they think the bill will work" Nataly said "it would probably work". Cornelius said" not that bill we need another ".Nataly also said "it needs to be revised". Kate added "it needed to be admitted and revised like once or twice". Nataly went on saying "that it depends on whether or not kids began to cut .but when asked that considering that the bill of rights states that all students should be treated equally regardless of sex, age, disability, gender, sexual orientation, race. and color, do you think it is fair for the 10th and 11th to go out for lunch after I asked that it got into a debate because at first everyone agreed that the 9th should go out then Cornelius said that the bill doesn't state any thing about grade and Nataly said " but its not fair" and then Cornelius states that it doesn't discriminate against the bill because it doesn't state anything about grade. Then when all was said, Nataly said "that she doesn't care as long as she gets to go out for lunch".

james said...

by;james chasten

For years there have always been major issues that are circling throughout the world. But the one issue that caught attention in our school was the school uniform policy. I interviewed tavora,and thomas. There answers to my questions were so diverse, so amazing and made me personally feel different about the way I thought on the issue

Tavora: “If you were here last year, they had to wear red, white and blue, and or black grey and burgandy.You would understand where she is coming from. You should have seen what the girls in this school were wearing. They would have like a few holes in there pants or their shirts, so much to the point that you could se their under garments. Also girls would come in with shorts, so short that you could see inappropriate , it was so rude

Thomas said,we should have the chance to wear what ever we want if it is alot appropriate then they cant wear what they want . he reall didnt want to wear colared shirts its unnessesary