Saturday, September 13, 2008

Lunch Bill

Our lunchroom is getting crowded and are food as of right now is not getting better. Who deserves to leave the building for lunch? Is it even feasible to grab something to eat and make it back to school on time? Starting just this past week the House of Students began to informally discuss two bills on the subject written by Todd Latimore and Dr. Davidson. As the sophomores and juniors battle out this privilege, the freshman, who are disenfranchised at the moment, loom in the shadows of this debate. Questions that are framing the debate are what are the requirements necessary to leave school, who gets to go, how will others earn the right to go out if at all, what are the consequences for not getting back on time. What do you think?


Brian Rose said...

hi i think we should e able to go out for lunch. i will represent my class. i will fight to allow me and my class mates to go out for lunch!!!! the lunch is not any different for the 1oth and the 11th graders than it is for the freshman. and just to throw this out there, we are the biggest voting block in our whole school, we can make the difference.

thank you
Brian Rose
Adv. 404

Mierra said...

I, being a freshman, thinks that everybody should get to go outside for lunch because as you say in your article "the food isn't getting better", why should the Sophomores and Juniors be the only ones out for lunch? All of the students of Constitution High School work very hard and we deserve a good lunch at the most! I have to pay for my school lunch at Constitution and I still dont get to choose what I can eat but If the bill was passed to let everyone out for lunch, not only would we get to choose but we'll also save the lunch staff less hassle because they wouldnt have to clean up after us because we wont be there! As far as punishment if you come in late, you should get and hour of after school detention, 15 DMTS and a 300 word essay explaining why they where late coming back to school! If a student is late two times per-marking period than they should immediatly get kicked out of the school and sent to their neighborhood school!
Freshman can make a difference!
thank you for your time,
Mierra Isaac

Mr. Brasof said...

Wow mierra! I think you bring up issues that our facing our school lunch problem that need to be addressed. Should we press the district to provide healthier lunches for this student body? Isn't letting students out for lunch avoiding the issue? What do you think should be our priority?